Friday, January 30, 2015

Timing Speedstacks next week

It's been a GREAT week in our gym! PE is so much fun! Our k-2 students have learned the 3-6-3 stack while our 3-5 students have learned THE CYCLE! Next week they will time themselves and see who is the fastest in each class and grade level. 

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Special Olympics- Basketball

I was fortunate to join our 3 self contained ECP classes this week for their annual Basketball challenge. I wanted to go for many reasons. The main reason was to be there to interact and make modifications for the students as they participated. The other reason I wanted to be there was I had been doing basketball lessons in order to prepare our  students for the event. I had gotten input from different people but seeing how it is run and knowing how to adjust my lessons is important to me. The students had a blast. Enjoy the pictures.

If you attend a Special Olympics event- it is hard to not get emotional as you watch each student called and given a medal. To so many it means the world! Have I mentioned I love my job! 

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Speedstacks! Stack Fast!

Well it's been a little while since I last updated. It was hard finding the time before Christmas. We are off into our Speedstacks unit here at BME. So much fun! Our students LOVE speed stacking. They really do!
If you would like to see more about Speedstacks head on over to, it has great videos and information on ordering your own set. 
We do Speedstacks for several reasons. Ambidexterity is one of the reasons. In sports kids need to be able to use both hands. You get lots of practice in Speedstacks. 
Enjoy the different pictures. I hope to update and add pictures from before Christmas.