Tuesday, October 6, 2015

2015-2016 Just the Beginning

It's a NEW YEAR at BME! Mr. C and I are so excited to start the new year! We are off to a great start! Our 3-5 students are learning about the 5 Components of Physical Fitness. Our K-2 Students are learning about how you use muscular strength and endurance to move the parachute. Ahhh yes- Everyone's favorite- THE PARACHUTE! Check out these pictures from this week so far!

Moving on into the Fall.

First let me apologize that I have not posted/written so far this year. Blogger is attached to Google and our Google accounts have changed so I have been locked out. It's been quite the ordeal to get up and running again...

Moving on into the Fall:

Our school recently was redistricted so it has taken a few weeks to teach our new and repeating students our expectations and processes in PE. It has been a challenge as many of the students came from different schools and everyone has different expectations. They are on their way to a GREAT year in PE.

Our K-2 students have been working on teamwork and cooperation using Parachutes. This week we are working in small groups with smaller parachutes. Check out our Kindergarten students below!

Our 3-5 students will start Frisbee Skills this week. It was a 2 hour delay today. However, I did catch a quick video of a class warming up with the Whip Workout. I am working on getting it uploaded!

Sunday, July 12, 2015

2014-2015 a year in review...

Well I've been out of school for a few weeks and I have had to time to reflect on the year and begin to make new goals for our PE program for the 2015-2016 school year. 

The beginning of Our year was exciting as we received the Bates Foundation Grant that was almost $5,000. It allowed us to buy 30 heart rate monitors 10 Ipad minis for our program. Our students jumped right on board and just LOVED using both! Thanks to Partners in Education for making this possible.

Mr. C and I joined forces even more this year to work towards doing an even better job of aligning our classes. We worked hard at developing units that were engaging,  instructive and physically literate. We want our students to not only be physically active but know why to be physically active. We want our students to not only be physically active in our classes but learn to be physically active for a lifetime.

This past year we took our Adapted PE classes to a whole new level! I mean out of this park and I look forward to moving it further along. One of the goals I have this coming year is to start a volunteer program. If you are reading this and feel led to become a part of our APE program at BME please email me at megandavis@staff.craven.k12.nc.us. I would love to give you more information on what it entails.

As I head into the middle and end of July I will once again be heading to the National PE institute. It is AMAZING and I always come back with a TON of ideas and resources. So many of my fellow fellows from last year are presenting and I can not wait to see there presentations.

Now here are a few of my favorite pictures from this school year! ENJOY!
 Mr. C. Got sung to for Valentines Day! He was three shades of red! It was GREAT!
 Our New shelves! YAY to organization!
 Our teachers being just a little competitive!

 Before Field Day 2015.

Mrs. Carpenter and Mr. C having FUN during Water Week! Water week was so much fun...exhausting for Mr. C and I but FUN!

I am thinking I will be investing in a new hat for next school year...donations always accepted!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Volleying and striking-

I've always said that volleying and striking is one of my favorite units to teach. I can entertain a 5-7 year old for hours wit a balloon. Our students had a blast using their hands, feet, head to keep the balloon up! 
We also worked on striking. Our students love this Spark lesson!

Fitness Across America Field Day 2015

We had a great couple of days weather wise! The students had a wonderful time! 

We also had a fantastic Kickball game with the 5th graders versus teachers and parents! See the picture below to see who the winner was!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

A BIG SHOUT OUT!- Mrs. Carpenter

I wanted to take a moment and highlight a special person to our PE program. Mrs. Carpenter is not only a BIG supporter of our PE program but she is our go to sub for both Mr. C and Mrs. Davis. When she is at BME for one of us we have great confidence that all will be ok with her there. She has filled in for both of us over the years at a moments notice and we are so appreciative for all that she does. She adds a competive edge to our classes and always a comic relief. She keeps us laughing and on our toes. Thank you Mrs. Carpenter for always being willing to pitch in and fill in. It means more to us and to our students than you will ever know! 

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

BME staff takes on Battleship!

I've mentioned it before but I work with the best staff! Mr. c and I were asked to lead a part of our staff meeting today. We put our heads together along with Mrs Aguair and came up with one of our kids' favorites- Battleship. Prizes were given for the inning teams and Our First Grade Team won twice! Our 4th grade
Team one of the rounds as well!! Way to go ladies!! One of the prizes was a lunch off campus and the other prize was Dunkin Donut gift cards. Check out the pictures! Everyone got their heart rate up and laughed a little too!
So much fun! 

Monday, March 9, 2015

What have we been up to?

You might be wondering what is going on in PE at Brinson? I'm so glad you asked! 
We here in Eastern NC have been freezing!!! I mean below normal temps, ice, cold temps, snow and even more low temps. I'm just going to be honest...it's been pretty miserable outside. BUT inside our gym we have been busy!!
Here is recap of just a few things going on..
We have been warming up with a game called Snakes and lizards. So much fun! It combines balancing with locomotor skills. While hard to organize at times- the students LOVE it! 
We've also been learning how to roll and catch with a partner. Check out the pictures!

Students had a wide variety of equipment to practice rolling and catching. 
Our new units include Tinikeling and Basketball. Well last week Ronald McDonald came so PE doesn't stop- we just relocated to the cafeteria. 

Some other exciting news is we have NEW SHELVES!! Ahh yeah!! Love organizing and finding new homes for equipment that was just everywhere. We are having fun organizing!! Here are some of the beginning pictures. More pictures to come of the finished product!
This is located at the back of the stage. As soon as they were done friday I stayed late trying to organize a bit.