Friday, September 12, 2014

5 Components of Physical Fitness

This week we started learning out Physical Fitness and what it means to be physically fit. I want all students at BME to get plenty of exercise each and every day but I also realize that teaching the why and how to be physically fit is even more important. 
When I first graduated college I thought my job as a physical educator was to teach them sports skills and make sure they go hard for the 45 minutes I have them each week with little to no break.
Over time I have come to grow as a professional and realize that the education they get while in PE, is just as important. I would even go as far to say that it is more important! I tell our students all the time 'Mrs. Davis doesn't want you to exercise just this year...I want you to exercise for the rest of your life!' Man that is POWERFUL! As a Physival educator I want my students to love physical activity and to have the tools and knowledge as to why they should be physically active. 
So..this week we began with Aerobic Capacity. We learned that it's our heart and lungs working together. Students participated in the PACER test from Fitness Gram. It was tied into their science curriculum by concentrating on what 'system' they are in. We hope that they will make the connections in a few months. Next week we are onto Muscular Strength and muscular Endurance.
Here is to months ahead of our students at BME wanting to be physically fit and leaning how that happens.

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