Saturday, February 7, 2015

Speedstacks roundup

Well the time has come to put away our speedstacks until next school year. Our students have really enjoyed learning to stack. This past week we timed and I will be looking at each class's times and recognizing the top two stackers from each class. Certificates will be handed out next week. 

This is Ms. Mary and John. John is in o w of our Adapted PE classes.All of our students learned to Speedstack. Our APE students first learned with the Jumbo stacks and then moved to the regular sized cups. John loved it and I think Ms. Mary did too!

So...what's next? Next week we are going to have fun and play some of our favorite aerobic activity games.
We like to call it PE GAMES THAT ROCK!  We've not run and gotten our hearts moving for long periods of time,
so we will sweating big time next week! 

In two weeks we are starting two new units. We will be splitting up the classes. Mr. C will be starting Golf with the First Tee. I will be teaching catching and throwing with K-2. Our 3-5 will be Tinikeling and learning basketball skills. Tinikeling is a rhythmic activity from the Phillipines. I'm working on a self assessment for basketball skills that is going to help our students determine the areas they need to grow the most. 

I want to share one last picture...this little fella ran over to me yesterday (while I wasn't feeling the best to be honest) and gave me the BIGGEST HUG- he said 'Mrs Davis you are the best PE teacher ever!' Man I love my job!! Isn't he the cutest!
See everyone next week!

Mrs. Davis 

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Speedstack, timing and QR codes

So this week all of our students at BME are timing themselves on what they have learned through out the unit. Our K-2 students are being timed on the 3-3-3 and our 3-5 students are timing on those and The cycle. The students have had a blast seeing how fast they are. Some are faster than they thought and others not as fast. 
QR codes are so helpful for many reasons. In this unit I used Speedstack videos and made my own as ways to review what was taught. I also had our administration speedstack the 3-3-3. Our students have loved watching it. 
Enjoy the pictures.

Here is a picture of the timing sheet that each student will complete.