This week our 3-5 students have learned different skills while learning to jump rope. They have also started Jump Rob Clubs. They absolutely love this unit and students are able to work independently while working on a specific goals. There are several levels at which students are able to earn a "bookmark." Our bookmarks are in the different levels seen in the picture below. Everyone has to start at 10 and work there way up. What is great is that they have to practice in order to be able to be checked off for the different levels, therefore working on their Aerobic Capacity...funny how that works.
It is so exciting to see students begin the week not believing in themselves and then as the weeks progress they are able to jump and earn different bookmarks. Enjoy the pictures and story below.
This is William and he is 4th grade student. William is extremely athletic and typically excels in majority of the sports, games and activities that we do week in and week out. However, jump roping skills are not his favorite because he doesn't think 1-that he is very good at it or 2-because it doesn't come naturally or easy to him. He was not a happy PE student this week when he found out our next unit was Jump Rope. What I love is that at the beginning of the week he was very somber and tried to hide from me when checking other students off on Jump Rope Clubs. I gave him lots of encouragement and told him to do his best. I told him that he would have to practice during PE and during recess and at home. he came to PE with a new attitude. In fact, he was able to get two bookmarks and even HE was surprised. I know that I am not a classroom teacher but so many times I see students who do not believe they can do something and often struggle...I was literally in tears today as I watched William try his best and PERSEVERE and earn TWO BOOKMARKS! He was so proud of himself and knew the tears in my eyes were happy tears.WAY TO GO WILLIAM!
Enjoy the rest of this week's pictures.