This morning started off with an early start...we met today to get our titter assignments for the day. If you want to connect on twitter or Instagram find me as fizzed2000
So today everyone was encouraged to join in on a early walk through UNC-Asheville campus and hiking trails. Here are some pics! It was fabulous and a little bit of a mile workout. We even got a free ECKO pedometer !! Way cool!
Our first keynote speaker is the highlight of the Institute for me! Joey Feith was so inspirational and on target with physical education. He did a presentation that just blew everyone away. I love technology and ways to connect with others using Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. There was a group that met last night and did small talks of using it specifically in our settings. He had great suggestions.
The first breakout session was focused on nutrition instruction and holding kids accountable for their learning. Andy showed ways to break groups up and ask short questions while rewarding the students that got the answers correct. LOVED !!
During lunch I ventured out to a place that I hold dear to my heart. I spent many weeks during middle and high school attending Blue Ridge Leaders School. I rarely get to this area of the state and I make sure to always go by. It was much more emotional for me this time.i know with out a shadow of a doubt that I ended up in this career because of my weeks at BRLS. When I left I was a blubbering mess! Ha! I didn't not spend more than an hour but loved every minute. In the comments below let me know if you have a place like that.
Here are some pictures... Isn't it just beautiful.
While at the BRLS I missed lunch and my duty for the twitter desk! YIKES! Thankfully I have great friends and fellow fellows and Chris Walker saved me! Thanks friend! Chris has been a great PE friend and we we're NC SPARK trainers a couple of years ago. He rocks...and hugs a lot!
Just a few minutes ago I met Shannon Miller and Olympic Gold medalist. She was so nice!
The final keynote of the day was by yet another Canadian. Guy spoke on Physical Literacy. His emphasis was on whether or not we are really preparing students for a lifetime of wellness. Are they able to create their own fitness plans and evaluate their health. He really hit a home run.
Following the end of the keynotes and breakout session the day ended up with a social a local brewery hosted by US Games. It was a blast! SO MUCH FUN! I cut a rug a time or two. I learned a couple of dances as well. Really a great night.
After the social I joined fellow fellows at the chocolate lounge. We enjoyed dessert and walking downtown Asheville. I'm looking foward to wrapping it up tomorrow and heading back home to see my sweet family.